Nikolais Dance Theatre

Nikolais Dance Theatre

The Nikolais/Louis Foundation for Dance partnered with Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company in 2003 to present works of American treasure and master of multimedia, Alwin Nikolais. Nikolais' work has influenced some of the most popular dance companies and choreographers around the world. With Alberto del Saz, Artistic Director of the Nikolais/Louis Foundation, Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company is committed to keeping the Nikolais legacy alive, while maintaining our dedication to commissioning and producing innovative, moving, and compelling work that challenges our audiences’ perceptions of what contemporary dance can be.

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company serves as the only company to perform full-evening performances of Alwin Nikolais’ work.

Thom Dancy, Executive Director 801 297 4234
Rachel Cohen, Cadence Arts Network, Inc. 310 701 9191